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There's no Switch

I'm sure, more so now, that I was not the only one who had a difficult 2018. I don't mean like it ended badly; I mean like the whole year was a train  wreck. For a long time, I was certain, I was the only one who was being shot at from all sides all year long. Then as the end of the year approached, I began to notice many of the people I follow on social media were in the exact same boat. And yes, I use social media. Judge away about how it's bad or what not, your opinion is none of my business. Any how, I found so many friends and people were struggling like I was if not even more. I am not saying this like I got a bad grade and the word ended. No. I am talking like you've lost a job, got divorced, had your heart broken (maybe you had it broke twice), maybe you lost someone. Friend, you are not alone. I'll be the first to tell you, I had almost that entire list happen to me. I get where you are coming from and how you are feeling or felt. It feels like no one sees ...

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