By the Book?

The city of Berea located 20 miles from the sea; warm coastal breezes and the beauty of snow capped mountains. But even more amazing, were the people that lived there. They were of noble character and we also so into studying the scriptures.

We can learn some much from these people. In Acts 17:10 we find that Paul, Silas, and Timothy were sent to Berea to teach. And, the Bereans soaked up everything.

But, I think what we really need to notice is this:

Paul was a very effective communicator, yet the Bereans did not take his word for everything.”

They went back to the scriptures to see if what Paul was saying was correct. They were really dedicated to learning the scriptures and feeding their faith. I think it is important to note that as believers we have the right to ask questions. There is nothing wrong with having a question about the Bible or what a Pastor says. I think we feel that if we question, we are bad Christians. That’s not true. The more we ask the more we learn and feed our spirits. If we don’t feed ourselves, we risk losing the drive and passion we once had.

Some years ago a national forest had to close off a portion of its park to tourists. A number of bears starved to death during the time the park was closed. They had grown so accustomed to being fed by tourists, they had ceased feeding themselves. We can likewise grow so accustomed to being spoon-fed the Word of God that we forget how to examine the Scriptures for ourselves.

The bears lost their passion (if you will) to live. They went with what was easy.

How many times do we decide to go with what is easy? We fool ourselves all the time thinking we are waiting for something big to happen. The truth is:

“Many times we don’t lack opportunities; we lack willingness.”

We aren’t willing to go the distance for what it is going to take to get things done, or to just dive into the Word of God. I know, I do it as well. I push things off or claim it’s too late or I’m too tired.

Let me live by example. I decided to work hard at my new job regardless of being noticed or praise. I wanted to work hard because I knew it’s what God would want for me, and you know what: God blesses those that work hard. God will only do so much for us; it is up to us to do the rest and work for it.

Now, when I take time to do studies or dive into the Bible, I find that my attitude and outlook is ten times more positive than when I don’t read it. I can be having a complete mess of a day, but I take time to read God’s word and it changes everything. Honest. Don’t believe me? Try it. It’s not like it is going to kill you. You might actually come out better for it.




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